The climate can't wait.

That's why we're a non-profit.

Solutions Across Science

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Asset owners.

Optimise the operation of your plant.

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Boost the performance of your engineering assets.

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Build digital twins of assets and processes.

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Get your data in shape to get going on your analysis.

Our Team

Mugshot of Tom Clark

Tom Clark

CEO, Founder

Tom architected Octue’s twined framework and has been awarded patents related to AI and intelligent control of wind farms. He’s worked in renewables since 2006 and loves it.

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Andy Clifton

Co-Founder, Strategic Advisor

Andy has 20+ years of experience delivering complex projects in areas where people, the environment, and energy interact. Andy leads the WindForS cluster of 25 members at 7 locations.

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Marcus Lugg

Senior Developer, Twined/SDK

A physicist by training, Marcus leads development of Octue's main OSS libraries, SDK and Twined. He is responsible for developing our Digital Twin technology beyond the cutting edge.

Join The Movement

Octue is a non-profit organisation working to free scientists from their daily data drudgery. Here are the latest supporters contributing to our codebase.

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